Our third Sunday in Advent service will be held at Church with a congregation. The service will be led by Rev. Tony Wells starting at 10:30am. Please arrive no earlier than 10:20am. This will be our second service with a congregation, so please be patient with the process as everyone will be taking special care to keep us all COVID safe.
Please also see the post with a message and a letter from Rev Helen Penfold concerning the opening of Church.
The service will also be provided online. Joining details and service sheet are below.
Please DO NOT attend Church if you feel at all unwell or within 14 days feel you may have had any COVID19 symptoms or have a positive test result. Please also do not feel any pressure to attend. All attendees must wear a face covering and should abide by social distancing guidance. Hand washing and sanitising facilities and resources will be available for use. No congregational singing will take place. The Church will be well ventilated and therefore quite cold, so please if you are going to attend, dress warmly.
Please inform those you know who do not use computers and the internet so that everyone is made aware of the latest decisions about opening the Church. Thank you.