Led by Rev. Helen Penfold

At 10:30am this Sunday, the fourth in advent, the service will be held at Church once more with a congregation and available online too. We're still learning, so please continue to be patient with us. We hope that you are enjoying the services and we apologise for the sound quality at the moment.
After the service, there will also be a blessing of the new nativity display by the Church car park entrance and prayers will be said over Matlock.
Please remember not to attend the Church service in person if you feel at all unwell or within 14 days you may have had any COVID 19 symptoms or have a positive test result. All attendees must wear a face covering and should abide by social distancing guidance. Hand washing and sanitising facilities and resources will be available for use. No congregational singing will take place. The Church will be well ventilated and therefore quite cold, so if you are going to attend, please dress warmly.
The service is available below to print off and share with those who are not online or for you to use during the service. The service will be recorded and available online later on Sunday if you aren't able to be there or be online at the time.
Also below are the joining instructions for the online service.