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Circuit 24/7 prayer event - Testimonies


I really want to encourage each congregation to be part of this event. We all know that the circuit will be going through many changes over the next year and no matter your view of what is about to happen, we will all be going through it together. It would be great if we could therefore come together as a body of Christ, stretched across Derbyshire, to pray into this situation and for Thy Kingdom to Come here in this county as we commit to be God's hands and feet.

Praying is part of my daily life, why should I join the 24/7 event?

Praying is part of Christian life so it might seem odd to set a specific time in advance to pray. But a 24/7 prayer event is a way of coming together as one community, one body united in common purpose. By signing up we can see as a group how we are accountable to each other to continue the chain of prayer. Thy Kingdom Come is a worldwide event and the perfect moment to come together as one unit amongst the larger Christian community.

At Matlock Methodist and United Reformed Church we took part in a 24-hour prayer event last year. This was a way we could do something together during lockdown for the greater Christian mission. From the comfort of our home the church family could work together by drawing together in prayer.

What does it feel like to be part of a 24/7 event?

Last year my prayer time started at 3.30am with a text from Rachel, who had preceded me in prayer, to check I was awake. The time flew by and I was a little upset to end at 5am. The prayer time was strengthened with the feeling of one body praying together as I knew that Helen was going to take over from me at 5am. I really enjoyed the quiet time, I'm not good with quiet but I felt compelled to stay obediently quiet. I chose 3.30am as I am awful at concentrating in solitary prayer for even 10 minutes, but the only thing I should have been doing at 3.30am was sleeping so it really helped me concentrate and removed the distraction of everyday life. My prayer time was concentrated around ideas from Acts and the differences between the church in Acts 1 and Acts 2 and how the waiting in the upper room resonated with the Church in lockdown.

Grace Leary was happy to share her experience and encouragement:

“One of my slots was 5.30 am, so I sat in the garden in my dressing gown with a rug, it was a beautiful time with God so fresh and filled with bird song. Even in difficult times, peace and refreshment is all around us in God’s love. Try it and enjoy.”

An hour seems a long time, any advice?

I would recommend using prayer resources to help you if you feel an hour is a long time, there are some great 1 hour ideas in the online prayer room, if you click on ‘prayer resources’ in the left hand window. We will also be providing resources later this week. Rachel Barclay used a mix of Bible journaling and songs last year to guide her prayer time as she will tell you below:

“So I write this at the end of my prayer time, either late at night or early morning?! I must admit spending time with God in the stillness of night has seemed to be such a special time (I’m not sure I’d be up for doing it every night... but it has made me feel like I need to schedule in more time to be alone with God!) I listened to a Casting Crowns album Elspeth had shared, then settled down to Bible journaling John 3:16 “For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.”- NIVUK. I just let the words of the songs and the verse lead me to what to pray for as I reflected upon how God's love is for the whole world, not just a few but for ALL! I spent time praying for specific people but also for groups in society who don’t know Jesus’ love or about the sacrifice God gave for us all. His love is unstoppable. I prayed that my life and my words be the proof and that I love people with the truth so that people may see the light of Jesus through my actions and words.”

How do I join in?

Either sign yourself up or sign up someone without internet access by clicking the link below. When the prayer room opens scroll around until you have found the date and time where you wish to pray. Click in the box and fill in your details. You will then be joined into the circuit prayer event.

Thursday 13th 7pm - Thursday 20th 7pm

But don’t forget to pray!

God Bless,

Roanna Pilsbury



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