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Zoom service 10.30am Sunday 12th July


This Sunday we will be using Zoom online to enable us to join together as a Church in live worship. This is our first attempt and we would ask for your prayers for the technology to work with us and not against us. The Zoom service led by Sue Sunderland will be at 10:30am on Sunday morning 12th July and will last about half an hour. The Zoom technology will also allow us to have a short period of fellowship in small groups after the service. We will be working to record the service and make it available on line in the same place as Helen's sermon videos on You tube, so that if you aren't able to join the service on Sunday, you will be able to watch it later. In fact you will be able to watch the service again if you did attend it too. We will not be recording the fellowship period or any video of you attending the service. The recording will only be Sue and the service she has prepared.

Later this week we will be sending out an e-mail invitation with a link to as many people in our Church as we can. When you receive the e-mail with the link, you do not need to do anything straightaway. If you think someone else in our Church has not received the e-mail, you can ask them and then send it to them if they have not got it. Hopefully, we will reach everyone at Church who has a device.

If you have a computer that does not have a camera or microphone, you are still able to come to the Zoom service and watch and hear Sue, provided your device has speakers to do this. You will also be able to join the fellowship after the service, although you won't be able to speak with anyone, only listen.

From about 10:15 onwards on Sunday morning, you should have your computer, laptop, tablet or smartphone powered up and with the e-mail available on your screen. Simply click on the link in the e-mail and your device will go to the link and it will ask you to Launch the Zoom meeting, follow the on screen instructions and you should be able to join the meeting when you are admitted to it. You need the link to be able to attend the Zoom service. When you join, you can say hello and then at 10:30 Sue will be able to start the service as the technology allows Sue to mute the microphone inputs to the meeting, so we will all be able to hear only Sue.

The service will then proceed with prayers, hymns, bible readings and Sue's sermon. Towards the end of the service, the recording will be stopped and Sue will lead some specific prayers and then conclude the service. At the end of the service, please stay connected. Sue will then use the Zoom technology to split us into smaller groups, into virtual meeting rooms, where with your microphone unmuted, you will be able to chat with a few others who are in the Zoom and enjoy some very welcome fellowship. Sue will then bring everyone back together and conclude the first Zoom service.

We hope you will be able to join the Zoom service and that you will pray for it to be a blessing to everyone and technically successful



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