For Easter we decided to take Messy Church on line, so we provided a story and craft for each day from Palm Sunday through to Easter Sunday. Zania did an amazing job of narrating videos with pictures for each part of the Easter story. These were enjoyed by both adults and children. Other people from the regular Messy Church team plus two other church members took part in preparing and photographing step by step guides for appropriate crafts, which included printing, origami, flat bread, a 3D cockerel, a mosaic, an egg decoration and Resurrection Biscuits. The crafts we made are pictured below. Thanks to everyone who helped.
Normally our Messy Church Facebook page is mainly viewed by people who attend the services, their friends and some members of the two churches involved. It is also shared with the MMURC and All Saints Facebook pages. However our Easter Messy Church at Home has been shared far and wide and seen by about 1700 people. They have interacted with the page on around 800 occasions throughout the week. This was mainly done by clicking on 'Read more', listening to the story, or clicking on the photographs to read the instructions.
It has travelled to many other churches in the area, children who would have come to Monday Funday and Holiday Club, local and far flung mum’s groups, even reaching as far as Africa and Pakistan! We hope that people have been blessed by it and enjoyed taking part.
As we are unlikely to be able to have Messy Church or any children’s clubs for some time, we have decided to continue providing a story and craft once a week on Saturdays. If anyone would like to be involved please let me know. We would also be grateful for your prayers that many people will join in and continue to be blessed by it.
Alison Dowsett
Bank Road Messy Church Coordinator