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Mission and Outreach 2021 Theme



The Methodist Church Year of Prayer is an initiative of the Methodist Conference so that our Church-wide commitments to evangelism, church growth, church at the margins, and pioneering and church planting will flow from a deep, contemplative orientation to God's grace and love.

We will be using resources from a number of sources including the Methodist Church Year of Prayer to compliment the activities of the many groups within the Church. We will be seeking to encourage everyone to join in focused prayer to bring the blessings and support of God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit to help us better spread the Good News of Jesus Christ.

If you've any need of support and prayer, want to have someone pray for you or someone you know, then please let us know, using any of the contact routes we have.

We are aware of and seek support from the work of the World Prayer Centre, the Festival of Life, Thy Kingdom Come, the 24-7 prayer movement, Neighbourhood Prayer Network; and others, asking for God’s strength and power as we reach out to our community together in word and action.

Previous Themes: 2013 Family : 2014 Friendship : 2015 Challenge : 2016 New Beginnings : 2017 Journeying with God : 2018 Reaching Out : 2019 Reflections : 2020 Hope



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