Have you signed up to pray with the rest of the circuit yet?
Peter has some words of encouragement from last year
"24/7 prayer is a good way to get to know Jesus better and deeper which I did last year. It definitely was a good time in prayer for me."
This post has information about different prayer resources which you're welcome to use during your one-hour prayer time(s).

The resources can be found here:
There are a lot of ideas on the Thy Kingdom Come website. The following links will take you to new resources for 2021, ideas for individual prayer, for families and for churches. All of these can be downloaded:
https://www.thykingdomcome.global/resources/new-2021 https://www.thykingdomcome.global/category-individuals https://www.thykingdomcome.global/category-families-and-young-people https://www.thykingdomcome.global/churches
Robert also has some printed Thy Kingdom Come booklets. Please contact us if you'd like any of these.
There are numerous prayer resources on the 24/7 Prayer website. If you haven't signed up yet, click on this link and choose when you'd like to join in: 24-7 Prayer International - Sign-Up If you would like to spend time praying for the circuit, you might find the Circuit prayer bulletin useful.
If you would like some prayer ideas from church members to help you pray, 3 from last year have been compiled in the document below.
