There’s a plan for a first online "Songs of Praise" event on Sunday 24th @6:30pm. If you would like to choose one hymn, find a you tube video you like, send the link address in an e-mail to, the church email address, and if you want to, please give a short reason for the choice of the hymn in your email.

Half a dozen or so of the hymns will be put together and played live online on Sunday 24th. Log on from 6:15pm to the Church Zoom - same joining details as the morning services.
If there is enough interest this could be a new monthly online event. Please consider volunteering to help coordinate the videos or hosting the zoom.
These events won’t be recorded and aren't a 'service'. The event will start with a short time of social chat and then an introductory prayer. The hymns will each be introduced and then enjoyed by all, everyone staying on mute, so you can sing along as loud as you like or just sit and listen. We can chat a little between hymns and the event will end with the sharing of the grace after about half an hour or so.
Photo by Silviu Cozma from Pexels
Joining details are below for your convenience.