Tomorrow evening we would love you to join us at 6.30pm for our evening word from Rev Helen Penfold.
The video will be available from 6.15pm on this page so we can all watch together at 6.30pm. It'll also be on Facebook from 6.30pm.
Please print off the images at the bottom of the page if you prefer the service written or if you know someone that would love a copy of the service and is not online please print it and if you can, take it to them before 6.30pm tomorrow, so they can join in with us.
Live Morning services available across the UK
There are many different places to stream services at the moment, today I thought we would share an alternative to what we have shared the last few weeks. Obviously not Methodist or URC but a few of us have enjoyed joining Trent Vineyard, Nottingham at 9.15am, 11.15am or 7pm.
Click here to join their service
Also members of our Church have joined Jesmond Methodist Church in Newcastle, where you might see a familiar face. Click here if you are a Facebook user.
Has anyone else got any good links to services they have been watching?
