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Thy Kingdom Come follow up prayer. Saturday 20th June


After the success of our Thy Kingdom Come 24 hour prayer, don't forget about praying on the 20th of each month for 20 minutes at 20.20 (or any other time throughout the day). This is part of our Hope 2020 year of mission and something we can all share in as a church, even though we are still unable to meet. Everyone is encouraged to join in and we hope we can continue to keep this practice throughout the year.

"Through Prayer 2020 we are asking God to work through all that is done in 2020 – personal witness and outreach plans in villages, towns and cities – evangelisation in all its many forms, including online outreach during lockdown and the practical acts of kindness as churches support local communities affected by Covid-19."

You may wish to pray for 5 people you know who haven't yet committed their lives to following Jesus. If you did this as part of Thy Kingdom Come, then keep on praying for the same people on the 20th of each month. To help you pray you could use one of the prayer ideas that you didn't get round to during the day of prayer, or pray for revival in Matlock and the growth of our church. The prayer resources can be found on our keep in contact page.


Saturday 20th June, prayer 2020, prayer starter. God of all generations, we thank you for every young person that has put their trust in you. We pray that they would be given confidence and boldness to share their story with their friends. Give them support through family, friends and youth leaders to enable them to follow in your ways (John 14:6).



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