What's the idea?
"The circuit has recently gathered together a small team of people who have a heart for wanting to encourage members of our congregations in being part of God's mission. As a team we are dedicating time to a national Methodist learning community to help us with this. We represent the circuit both geographically and in the different ways in which we minister; the team consists of lay and ordained people who have different roles in their congregation or in the circuit. Part of our focus will be looking at creating ways in which we can help each other to grow and be renewed by the Holy Spirit and developing our relationships with God, with our communities and with each other. The members of the team are Robert Foster, John Malnutt, Judith Milner, Viv Palfreyman, Roanna Pilsbury and Paul Strange.
We feel that praying, as individuals and with others, is a most important part of this growing and developing. We are, therefore, setting up a 24/7 Prayer Room and invite everyone in your congregation to be part of this prayer initiative.
The one ongoing prayer of the people of God is a 24/7 activity; there is always someone praying somewhere. When you pray, whether alone or with others, your prayer becomes part of the one prayer of the people of God. This truth can become more real to us as we join in a 24/7 Prayer Room. "
How Can I join in?
The circuit will be joining for one week during the Thy Kingdom Come event, from 7pm on Thursday 13th May to 7pm on Thursday 20th May. The first hour will be a whole circuit prayer event via Zoom (we'll let you know how to join) and, after that, individuals, prayer groups and whole congregations can sign up for an hour, or more than one if you like.

Sign up on the following link: 24-7 Prayer International - Sign-Up
Sign up using your first name and surname initial or, for a group, use the group name. Please refrain from ticking the 'exclusive use' check box when signing up so that everyone can have access to appropriate times for them.
Please encourage everyone in our congregation to join in with this prayer initiative. We can all pray, whatever our temperament or style. Anyone who doesn't have internet access can be signed up by someone who does. Let's not exclude anyone.
The sign up allows us to create a community showing how we are praying together. Pledge to pray, note down the time you said you will be praying and then all you need do is pray when you said you would. It's as easy as that.
Prayer Resources
There are some resources on the website but the team will be sending out other resources to help you to pray for your congregation, people you know, the circuit and the world. There may also be some themes, which will be added to the website.
We will put a full resource guide on this blog nearer the time including things that can be printed for those who can't use the internet.
If you need any help please contact us on here and we can help.