To help brighten your time in lockdown we're running a FUNdraising quiz online on Friday 20th November @ 7:00pm for a 7:30pm start.
Funds raised will be shared between Action for Children and Matlock Methodist & United Reformed Church.
What to do to join in the FUN?
Choose your team of up to four people or you can come along as an individual and we can help you join a team when you Zoom in (you can enter in smaller teams for more of a challenge too);
Before 7:00pm on the 20th November send us an e-mail to info@mmurc.org.uk and tell us your team name and team members;
We'd appreciate your donations big or small and would pray for your generosity to kick in;
Pay your donations directly to the Church bank account - details below - writing 'Quiz' and your name, or team name, in the reference line;
If you or your team members want to Gift Aid your donations, please let us know when you e-mail your team member names to info@mmurc.org.uk;
Log into the quiz starting from 7:00pm so that we can make a start on the quiz by 7:30pm;
How will the quiz work?
The quiz will be six rounds of ten questions. The quiz master will be our very own Tom Pilkington. The questions will be read out so you'll need pen & paper or a quick fingered typist to note the questions down;
Each team will then be put into a breakout room for a period of up to 5 minutes to come up with their answers – no online or reference sources are to be used please – just your brains;
After each round we’ll join back together, the answers will be given and each team will self- score - honestly of course!
The scores will then be collated and we'll repeat the process six times;
There'll be a short break between rounds three and four;
If you want to offer a prize to be awarded for the winning teams, please contact us.
Please contact us from the homepage for the Zoom details to go in and Bank detail for any donations you wish to make.